OMIC's N-nion's site

..."observed" and written by Async,;

*** NEWS *** NEWS **** NEWS *** - 4th dimesion "broken"


*** NEWS *** NEWS **** NEWS ***

enlancing spiralII,4D

N-nions are derived from complex numbers. N-nion is N-dimensional number which consist of a+ib+jc+kd+... parts.


N=1: real
N=2: complex
N=3: trinion
N=4: quaternion
N=5: pentonion
N=6: hexnion
N=7: heptnion
N=8: octonion
...if you invent better names, write me!

NOTE: a+ib+ic+.. a is chanel no. 0, b is chanel no. 1, c is chanel no. 2...

Addition, substraction and multiplication is equal to complex's rules.
e.g. Triternion:

(a+ib+jc) + (x+iy+jz) = (a+x) + i(b+y) + j(c+z)
(a+ib+jc) - (x+iy+jz) = (a-x) + i(b-y) + j(c-z)
(a+ib+jc) * (x+iy+jz) = (ax) + i(ay+bx) + j(az+cx) + [ii](by) + [ij](bz) + [ji](by) + [jj](cz)

[ii],[ij],[ji],[jj] must be defined. Allowed assignments for Trinion [XY]: {0,1,-1,-i,i,-j,j} It's allowed non-unit assignment e.g. i*i= 0.5i... this assignment affect only x-axis scale (when using e(ix+jy+...)).

Division hasn't been resloved.

Exponential e(ix+jy+...) was defined as complex:

e(ix+jy+...)=(1+ix+jy+...)(1+ix+jy+...)(1+ix+jy+...)... x,y limit to zero.

Computed results of "infinite" series (1+ix+jy+...)(1+ix+jy+...)(1+ix+jy+...)...:
Complex eix = (1+ix)(1+ix)...(i+ix)
i,j,k,.. rules "internal functions: each "chanel" " object(space): plot of functions: plot of space:
i*i = 0 real: linear y=1 i: linear y=x line 02N0SI.gif 02N0SI01.gif
i*i = 1 real: y=cosh(x) i: y=sinh(x) hyperbola 02N1SI.gif 02N1SS01.gif
i*i = -1 real: y=cos(x) i: y=sin(x) circle 02N2SI.gif 02N2SS01.gif
i*i = -i real: y=1 i: y=1-exp(-x) line 02N3SI.gif 02N3SS01.gif
i*i = i real: y=1 i: y=-1+exp(x) line 02N4SI.gif 02N4SS01.gif

Trinion eix+iy = (1+ix+jy)(1+ix+jy)...(i+ix+jy)
i,j,k,.. rules "internal functions: each "chanel" " object(space): plot of functions: plot of space(3D plot):
ii = -j,
ij = i,
ji = -i,
jj = 1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. 3D spiral 03N523SI.gif 03N523SS012.gif
ii = -1,
ij = i,
ji = i,
jj = 1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. singularity spiral 03N569SI.gif 03N569SS012.gif
ii = -1,
ij = -j,
ji = 0,
jj = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. loop with tail 03N37SI.gif 03N37SS012.gif
ii = -j,
ij = 0,
ji = i,
jj = 1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. sickle 03N544SI.gif 03N544SS012.gif

Quaternion eix+iy+iz = (1+ix+jy+iz)(1+ix+jy+iz)...(i+ix+jy+iz)
i,j,k,.. rules "internal functions: each "chanel" " object(space): plot of functions: plot of space(3D plot, "chanels" defined by postfix (file name) XYZ):
ii = -1 ij = -j ik = k ji = -1 jj = 1 jk = i ki = -k kj = k kk = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. stairs to the heaven 04N3141592661SI.gif 04N3141592661SS103.gif
ii = ii = j ij = j ik = k ji = -1 jj = 1 jk = i ki = -k kj = k kk = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. spiral spoon 04N3141592674SI.gif 04N3141592674SS103.gif
ii = j ij = -k ik = k ji = -1 jj = 1 jk = i ki = -k kj = k kk = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. flower 04N3141592683SI.gif 04N3141592683SS013.gif
ii = -k ij = 0 ik = -k ji = 0 jj = 0 jk = 0 ki = -i kj = k kk = 1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. enlacing spiral 04N7443894661SI.gif 04N7443894661SS132.gif
ii = i ij = i ik = -j ji = -j jj = -j jk = i ki = -1 kj = 1 kk = 1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. sipiral with exit 04N28718281849SI.gif 04N28718281849SS012.gif
ii = -k ij = i ik = k ji = -1 jj = 1 jk = i ki = -k kj = k kk = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. tornado 04N3141592657SI.gif 04N3141592657SS301.gif
ii = -1 ij = k ik = -j ji = 0 jj = -i jk = k ki = -1 kj = 1 kk = 0
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. tornado 04N2718281828SI.gif 04N2718281828SS213.gif
ii = -1 ij = k ik = -j ji = -k jj = -1 jk = i ki = j kj = -i kk = -1
N/A; mixture of sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh, lin, const. true quaternion 04N103885895SI.gif 04N103885895SS321.gif

Download Nnion-scope to observe new N-nions!:

or contact Async at, or

Note: pictures encoding: DDN#####...###SCXYZ

DD = dimension, e.g. complex =02
N = leading char. of ID of i*i,j*i,k*j... assignments.
S = specials: C= {I,S}, I= internal functions, S=plot plot: (XY)Z = X,Y,Z axes "chanel" (real=0,i=1,j=2,k=3..) assignment.

e.g. 02N1S01.gif: complex, i*i=-1, 2D plot - circle, real=X,imag=Y axis.

*** NEWS *** NEWS **** NEWS ***

N-nion scope comes with 4D space - 4th dimesion = color.
see these, such beautiful...

enlancing spiralII,4D


pentonion 31949711363522160 0431 penta